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Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I pack the totes?

As with cardboard boxes, it’s best to line totes with newspapers, packing paper, or towels transferring personal or business belongings into them. Additionally, the contents and the totes must be dry before packing to prevent mold and mildew from damaging valuable items. Fill in gaps between items with packing paper to reduce the risk of further damage and seal the totes.

What cities and neighborhoods do you serve?

Goat On A Tote services the greater Phoenix area, including Phoenix, Scottsdale, Mesa, Gilbert, Tempe, and Peoria.

How much do totes cost to rent?

The cost of our services depends on several factors. However, there are two significant considerations.

The amount of possessions a client needs to relocate is one consideration. The more room a customer needs for belongings, the more totes are needed. The second major consideration is the length of time our customer plans to rent the totes. Naturally, the longer someone uses our plastic totes, the higher the rental service cost.

We offer competitive tote rental prices that are affordable, regardless of how many totes our clients need or how long they use them.

When will I be charged for the totes?

Goat On A Tote charges its customers after service is rendered. In other words, our clients don’t pay to receive totes to load. Instead, payment is due upon delivery, after their possessions arrive at their destination.

A factor that sets us apart is the ability to pay after the service, which offers our customers much-needed flexibility. Too often, Phoenix residents are taken in by companies who charge before the service and they may not have the desired results. Goat On A Tote doesn’t work that way. Transparency and customer satisfaction are our priorities.

What forms of payment does Goat On A Tote accept?

We accept all major forms of payment, including cash, credit card, and personal check. However, ever-evolving technologies may make some payment methods unavailable due to updates, malfunctions, and other provider-related problems. Consult us before the service to determine which solutions are available.

How do I know how many totes I need?

The best way to determine the correct number of totes for a move is to request a bid from our representatives. They’ll calculate the size of the house and the dimensions of the items to be transported. Then, armed with this information, we create a customized plan to ensure our customers receive the needed number of totes for their move. This way, Phoenix residents can avoid ordering too few or too many totes.

What can or can't I store with totes?

Our customers can store various items in plastic totes, including clothes, toys, electronics, books, and dishes. Ensure anything loaded into the totes is completely dry to prevent condensation, mold, and mildew.

Use caution when storing chemicals in totes because some substances might cut through the plastics. Seal bottles and cans according to the manufacturer’s instructions before putting them in a tote.

Likewise, avoid moving exceptionally heavy belongings, such as anvils, jackhammers, tires, and large tools.

Do I have to be home when the totes are dropped off?

We generally require customers to be home when we drop off our totes to ensure our clients receive the containers.

I'm extremely busy planning for the move. Does Goat On A Tote offer packing services?

Goat On A Tote doesn’t offer packing or delivery services. Instead, our services include delivering totes, time for our customers to pack and move them, and picking up the empty totes at the new location within Maricopa County.

We do offer helpful guides on how to pack totes when moving. Our clients can then determine how to safely store, label, and seal their containers. Our customer support team is also available for additional assistance, so feel free to contact us.

How often does Goat On A Tote clean the totes?

We clean our totes after each use. Once we collect our totes from previous customers, we clean them. They are thoroughly disinfected to remove even microscopic impurities to ensure our clients don’t have to worry about germs.

Rent Totes Online Now

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Have more questions that aren’t answered on the site, give us a call at (602) 396-4716
or fill out the form. We look forward to speaking with you!
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